
Political parties announce no new dams on major rivers 

7 Aug 2024

All major NT political parties have now listened and committed to what communities have long been calling for – no dams on iconic rivers like the Daly and Roper. 

This important, historic step from all sides of politics towards protecting our rivers is thanks to thousands of people like you, who have asked parties and candidates to commit to:

  1. No new dams on the Daly and Roper rivers 
  1. Increased community decision-making over water issues  
  1. Strong laws that protect our rivers 

See the headline responses from the parties below.

Country Liberal Party

The Country Liberal Party categorically say no to dams in flowing rivers.

Territory Labor

Territory Labor will ensure there will be no dams on the Daly and Roper rivers … with specific regulations and legally binding measures through reforms to the Water Act.

NT Greens

The Greens commit to ensuring the Daly and Roper Rivers run free, [and] to no dams.
[This] must include stopping dams from being built at scale in floodplain catchments.

CLP full response
  • ‘We agree with you that Northern Territory rivers are central to our great lifestyle. The Northern Territory stands at a critical juncture, where we need decisive action to propel our economy forward while preserving our unique environment and lifestyle.
  • Our focus remains on giving the Territory a competitive edge exemplified by streamlined project execution and reduced approval timeframes.
  • In the face of pressing environmental challenges, we stand firm in our commitment to responsible, sustainable, economic growth.
  • The Country Liberal Party categorically say no to dams in flowing rivers.’
Labor full response
  • We will ensure there will be no dams on the Daly or Roper Rivers – a protection we will enact with specific regulations and legally binding measures through reforms to the Water Act and related regulations.
  • Continue to develop and embed an Aboriginal Water Security Advisory Council in water-related decision-making processes, ensuring Aboriginal Territorians have a voice on strategic water issues and enhancing Aboriginal participation in decisions around water.
  • Continue to partner with Aboriginal Land Councils and work with Traditional Owners across the Territory to establish contemporary approaches to incorporating recognition of the diverse cultural values of water in our policy and legislative frameworks.
  • Further develop approaches to Strategic Aboriginal Water Reserves in consultation with Traditional Owners. Resource Aboriginal Community Water Officers, to work in partnership with Rangers, in a water monitoring capacity.
  • Deliver remote water infrastructure projects for an additional eight communities, in collaboration with the Australian Government and local Aboriginal people. 
  • Legislate new Water Act by 2026, contemporising our water legislation which will provide further protection to rivers, aquifers and wetlands. 
  • Continue to strengthen the Territory’s Water Allocation Planning Framework, ensuring a contemporary balance between protecting environmental and cultural values and sustainable water availability for economic development.
  • Introduce landmark safe drinking water legislation to the Parliament in 2024.
Greens full response
  • The Greens commit to ensuring the Daly and Roper Rivers run free. We commit to no dams on the Daly and the Roper. A No Dams policy must include stopping dams from being built at scale in the floodplain catchment of these two rivers, or it’s not a real No Dams policy. The evidence is clear that Wet Season flushes of the catchment are vital to the health of the rivers and to the lifecycle of important species, including barramundi and prawns, as well as less well-known species. Floodplain harvesting, and especially at the scale planned by the cotton industry, would be a disaster for the Daly and the Roper. In Parliament, we would pursue an effective ban on floodplain harvesting at scale and shine a light on the connections between the big cotton corporations and the major parties. We challenge the other parties to make it clear that they support a ban on floodplain harvesting at scale in the Daly and Roper catchments.
  • The message from Traditional Owners, ecologists and other members of the community is clear: the current rates of industrial water extraction from the Daly and Roper Rivers are already having a major impact. Corporate interests like the cotton and fracking companies want to massively increase this take. NT Governments of both major parties have given away far too much Territory water to big corporations for free, with shoddy environmental assessment and for little community benefit. We commit to no additional allocations from the Daly and Roper catchments for exploitation until an independent public review is complete. We also commit to a review of existing licenses and their impacts on the rivers, and to enacting binding limits on water extraction. You can review our nature and water policy here.
  • We also commit to a ban on fracking and to oppose the cotton corporations’ plans for a massive Murray-Darling style expansion in the Top End. These industries are known to be voracious for their water appetite, and we share the community concern that their existing plans for extraction are the thin edge of the wedge. The Greens will always work with the community to protect our rivers.
  • We commit to overhauling the Territory’s water laws to protect rivers, groundwater and wetlands. The current Water Act and water plans are totally unable to protect the Territory’s rivers or groundwater dependent waterholes, trees and soaks. The new, overhauled water laws must include specific legal designations and protections for special rivers like the Daly and the Roper, and for aquifers and wetlands. The Greens have a track record of being the party that works for better protections for water nationwide. In 2023, we negotiated better water protections through the federal Parliament that mean that all Territory fracking projects can be assessed and stopped by the federal Environment Minister. In the Territory Parliament, the Greens would work tirelessly to secure better protections for water in the NT.
  • Land clearing is one of the major drivers of biodiversity loss, erosion and degradation in the Territory. Our rivers, savannas and climate are under threat from the current almost unregulated approach from NT Governments of both major parties. We commit to buffer zones of at least 2km to protect rivers from the impacts of land clearing, with larger areas considered to protect sensitive habitat and cultural values. These buffer zones must be clearly defined and binding – and be matched by resources to enforce them. Our policy platform also includes other key pieces of the puzzle to wind back the march of rampant land clearing. We commit to work with other parties to bring in an NT Biodiversity Act that would protect intact native vegetation for the first time, and an NT Biodiversity Strategy to inform research and action to protect nature here. We also commit to taking land clearing approval out of the hands of the Pastoral Land Board, and referring all major land clearing projects instead to the NT Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Traditional Owners and local communities understand the needs of our rivers and understand their own needs. We commit to sustained, targeted financial support for local communities to make decisions about the future of the rivers where they live. The example of Martuwarra Fitzroy River over the border in WA shows a path to long term, community led decision-making for tropical flooding free flowing rivers. That model requires consistent, targeted support. We need the NT Government to partner with the federal government to deliver new models of river governance that fund local decision-making and formally recognise the significant values of the Territory’s rivers.

You can read the full list of policy priorities we sent to political parties and candidates here.

We also received responses from independent candidates:

Justine Davis
Independent for Johnston

“The protection of our rivers is critical and Justine supports all of the recommendations outlined in the [Territory Rivers] letter.”

Sam Phelan
Independent for Katherine

“I fully support your asks, however would like a more nuanced discussion about the practicalities of NO new dams on the Roper and Daly. I fully support no mega dams on these rivers, and the exercising of much more caution in regards the surface water take wet season flow policy currently in play. We have seen what has happened to the Murray Darling, and we cannot allow the same mistakes to be made here. Independent science is crucial to this discussion and must be respected.”

It’s clear Territorians value our rivers, and we will continue to work on securing long-term protections for our rivers, including new models led by First Nations people, and new water laws led by communities. We must act now to avoid a Murray-Darling disaster.

Territory Rivers – Keep ‘em Flowing is non-partisan, we will never issue advice on how to vote. We are committed to working with all sides of politics at all times to secure the best outcomes for our rivers.

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